New, Newer, Newest

Is this new, newer, and newest.

Have I just bought it

Was it just produced?

A new book, a film, a song

Is it a kind of now exiting?

Or appearing for the first time.

It’s not a new concept,

But new knowledge, just found

Its newness is unfamiliar,

It’s strange, a new idea

A visit to a place

New to me, will it make me better

Different,from the former me.

A fresh new start, unused

Will I be a new me?

So in a new era, a new world,

Planted with newness around me.

Flowers growing, fresh green grass,

New buds wakening,

The spring is here,

A new person awaits

So I ring out the old

And sing in the new

Contrasting Day

The bright blue skies have turned into light grey

The blazing sun is now hiding away

The blistering heat is now a cool gentle breeze

Cracks in the dry ground are huge muddy puddles

Stifling humid air has turned fresh and light

There is a newness to the grass covered in rain

I don’t mind the contrast it makes a nice change

Regardless of weather I’m still smiling

each day brings adventures all fresh and new