Bonus day

This bonus Monday arrived

An extra day, not from my leave

Where will it take me

Where will I go

Lost in a garden filled with colour

A walk through the woods

A chance to laugh or sing

In fact dance or anything

But the rain came down so hard.

I spent my bonus day shopping

A dress, jacket, shoes for a wedding

Anyone who knows me thinks

She does not like shopping

I loath, hate, detest buying clothes

But I spend my bonus day

With, clothes and shoes and fancy things

Do they look good , who knows

On Friday is the wedding day

If I can get by, with a smile or laugh

Then I spent my bonus day wisely.

Dandelion Clock

Day 30 of 30


Pushing through the dark earth

Yellow petals uncurl facing the sun

Smiling gently moving the breeze

Petals fall no longer beautiful

Flower now looks bare and dull

Then bursting tiny seeds pop

Elegant spheres look glorious

Fluffy delicate seeds hold on tight

Fragile delicate then just a puff of breath


Day 29 of 30

You are smart in your cerise pink

No buttons or zip, more of a jacket

You make me feel a thousand dollars

With the tiniest detail of a frill


You are my comfort warm and cosy

The downy feel as I wrap you around me

Your hug makes me feel loved at home

With your heaviness I feel safe.

Rain again

Day 27 of 30

That’s a change in the weather

Rain again I wasn’t expecting that.

In fact rain on rain

We just get more and more rain

Today grey clouds a hint of sun

No just rain light rain heavy rain

Rain swirling and dancing

Splashing me wet dripping down my face

Is it stopping….. no more rain

I can watch the drips race down the glass

I can see it splash in the puddles

Maybe tomorrow the sun will be out

There again who minds just a little more rain


Day 25 of 30

Reactions are superficial, some are bottomless.

They make us simper, make us grieve, neglect and embrace.

Some we practice, some we inspire

Some eternal some transforming

No matter the reactions I react today

A new reaction is only a day away

When I grow old I’m gonna

Day 24 of 30

And I run my stick along public railings

And make up for the sobriety of my youth

And I do cartwheels up the pathway

And do hop scotch on the road

And I die my hair rainbow colours

And wear stiletto heals to the shops

And eat pudding before my dinner

And drink wine with toast and jam

And make sure I hug you in front of mates

And tell you I love you, son

When I get old I won’t care

I’ll do all the things the grown up me doesn’t do

And love every minutes

So if you see a rainbow cartwheeling Nanny

Don’t be surprised if it’s me.

Coffee and the orchid

Day 22 of 30

A battle starts where tastes divide

A place where all the scents collide

Orchids colours bright and new

Coffee bold aroma does brew

Coffee beans being roasted

Their alluring smells boasted

Orchids blooms delicate grace

petals dance with elegant embrace

Coffees bitterness a tangy zest

Orchids sweetness a floral blest

The coffees strength a potent brew

Threatens the orchids view

The battle rages hour by hour

Each scent pushing for dominant power

But as the sun starts to fade

A truce is reached and made

So here where the scents entwine

Coffee and orchids here do shine

Fragrances embrace unite

Beauty and grace are both in light